Breathing Clearer

My name is Al and I have asthma all my life. Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves prayed for me on periscope and I obeyed the instructions giving as an act of faith. It has almost been 2 weeks and I have not taken my asthma medication. - Al

Miraculous Healing

The doctors tried diagnose Mia with hypothyroidism. She was fatigue. We prayed together and she went to the doctor a few days later and her test came back normal. - Mia

Sowing and Reaping

Since I started sowing into Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves Ministries there are many blessings. - Michael

Barreness Healed

I was trying to get pregnant for 4 years, after Kimberly prayed for me, God healed my womb and the spirit of barrenness left. Now I am pregnant with my first child.

Impartation Received

I went on a fast and spent the day praying along with your video and the prayer cloth that you sent me. I felt my hands and feet tingle. It was powerful. I received some type of impartation.

Cancelled Surgery

This lady who was scheduled for knee surgery had it was canceled after much prayer. God healed her. The doctors were puzzled about her healing.

Sowing Small

Mrs. Me sowed a small seed. Now God is opening up doors for her business. God even multiplied her seed where she had an extra $200 to do something special for her daughter.

Time Reduced!

I had to take domestic violence classes for 36 weeks. After much prayer and fasting, the Lord blessed me to only take 30 domestic violence classes.

No More Walker!

God showed me a vision of my pastor getting off his walker. He had just had hip surgery a few weeks prior. I proclaimed the vision the Lord gave me and it came to pass. The next day, he got off the walker. He threw it down the stairs and started praising God. -Kimberly Hargraves

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