“We must obey God rather than men. "Acts 5:29

Prodigal Story

Teresa started running away from home at the age of two. She walked out of the apartment complex with her Sippy cup and some saltine crackers and started walking down the highway. Her mother felt something was wrong in her spirit, panicked, and found Teresa. As a teenager, Teresa became extremely rebellious. She would often run away from home and stay with her boyfriend for weeks at a time. Teresa's mother tried everything to discipline her but her attempts failed. So one day Teresa's mother got on her knees and started praying. The more rebellious Teresa became the harder her mother would pray. Things appeared to become worse when Teresa moved several states away with an older man she met on the internet. Teresa's mother became weary and discouraged a few times, but she never lost her faith. She would encourage herself with God's word. One day Teresa and her older boyfriend went to a church service and Teresa felt God tugging on her heart for her to return home. Teresa broke things off with her boyfriend and went back home. Teresa's mother was ecstatic and gave her daughter a big welcome home party. Teresa became saved shortly after. Teresa's mother never gave up and continued to trust God. Do you know someone like Teresa? Are you trying everything in your power to stop a rebellious family member whether child or spouse? Sometimes in life, we just have to let our love ones go and let them find their own way. I am not saying ignore them, stop loving them, or cut them off. What I am saying is to stop doing things your way because it is not working and start doing things God's way. This means to stop all the nagging, the fussing, and the begging because it only makes things worst. This means to start praying and confessing God's word over the situation. Why confess God's word? The answer is that God's word does not return to him void and he watches over it to perform it.

Teresa was considered a prodigal. Luke 15:11-32 gives a parable about the prodigal son. The son went off to a distance country, spent all his wealth, went through a severe famine, and finally came to his senses and returned home. Once the son returned home, he repented his sins to his father and heaven. Like Teresa's mother, the father was so happy that his son returned home, he gave him a celebration. Verse 24 says, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again." Sometimes God allows things to die so he can bring them back to life for his glory. What do I mean by this? Jesus is a resurrected God; he is full of resurrection power. He raised Lazarus from the dead and also he rose himself from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. He can turn a hopeless situation into something good. He can restore situations where you have lost all hope and where you thought it was impossible. God will and can bring prodigals back home. We just have to believe God's promises and stand firm in our faith.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, You are a great God! I bring my petition boldly to your throne. I have a prodigal (son, daughter, spouse) and I tried everything I could possibly do to bring them back home. I realized that my way has failed countless times, so I am ready to try things your way. 1 Peter 5:7 says cast all my cares on you because you care for me. So I refused to be worried about this situation any further. Psalms 9:10 says that those who know your name put their trust in you, and you, O Lord will not forsake those who seek you. Lord I am surrendering all and putting my trust in you, that you will bring my prodigal back home.

Matthew 21:22 says, "Whatever I ask in prayer, I will receive, if I have faith." Lord, because I have mustard grain faith, I will have my prodigal returned home to me. Romans 4:17 says, the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not." So in the name of Jesus, I thank you in advance that my prodigal has returned home. Hebrews 11:1 says, "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." I decree that I will not get defeated by my circumstances because I walk by faith and not by sight. Lord your word says in Luke 1:37, that nothing is impossible with you. The impossibility of my situation is the starting point for my miracle. Lord I bind up any demonic interference that would hinder this prayer from being answered. I bind any signs, symptoms, and manifestations of these spirits. I loose the holy spirit on my prodigal who will lead and guide them into all truth. Lord, I command your forces of light to war against the forces of darkness. Light always wins in Jesus name. Amen.

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